Evocation of Sandalphon

By Genostar


Last Updated: Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Preliminary: Sunday, December 19, 2004; 12:04-1:17 AM (Hour of Venus)

Information about Sandalphon:

Hebrew: SNDLPVN, ןופלדנס

Greek: Συναδελφοσ, meaning �Twin, Brother�

Other Names/Titles: Angel of Glory, Angel of Power, Angel of Prayer, Elijah (Elias), the Tall Angel, Master (Hazzan) of Heavenly Song, Patron Angel of Music; Twin Brother of Metatron

Other Descriptions: Seen by Moses in the Third Heaven; in some traditions, is in charge of the fourth, sixth, or even seventh heaven; one of the great angelic princes (sarim); instrumental in bringing about the differentiation of sex in the embryo; fights by the side of Michael against Satan; stands at the crossways of Paradise and helps the righteous find Heaven; leads the Angels of Mercy; weaves from the prayers of the faithful garlands to grace the head of God; would take a journey of five hundred years just to reach from his toes to the top of his head

Title/Type: Archangel

Sphere: Malkuth

Appearance: Sandalphon appears as a tall angel, dressed in black. His robe seems to be made of pure energy and, if gazed at, it becomes evident that it is constantly emitting dark sparks of energy.

Expertise/Tasks: The primary function of this archangel is to act as a guide. If you need advice regarding communication with entities from elemental or planetary spheres, Sandalphon can help steer you in the right direction. Also, if you are ever confused about the direction your spiritual path is taking you, contact Sandalphon for advice.

Herb/Incense: Dittany of Crete (alternative: Sandalwood)

Information on Malkuth:

Title: The Kingdom (Mem, Lamed, Kaph, Vav, Tau), Sephirah 10

Magical Image: A young woman, crowned and throned.

Yetziratic Text: The Tenth Path is called the Resplendent Intelligence because it is exalted above every head and sits upon the Throne of Binah. It illuminates the splendours of all the Lights, and causes an influence to emanate from the Prince of Countenances, the Angel of Kether.

Titles Given to Malkuth: The Gate. The Gate of Death. The Gate of the Shadow of Death. The Gate of Tears. The Gate of Justice. The Gate of Prayer. The Gate of the Daughter of the Mighty Ones. The Gate of the Garden of Eden. The Inferior Mother. Malkah, the Queen. Kallah, the Bride. The Virgin. The Sphere of the Elements.

Godname: Adonai Malekh, or Adonai Ha-Aretz.

Choir of Angels: Ashim, Souls of Fire.

Mundane Chakra: Cholem ha Yesodoth, Sphere of the Elements.

Spiritual Experience: Vision of the HGA.

Virtue: Discrimination.

Vice: Avarice, Inertia.

Correspondence in the Microcosm: The feet. The anus.

Symbols: Double-cube altar. Equal-armed cross. Magic circle. Triangle of Art.

King Scale (Atziluth): Yellow

Queen Scale (Briah): Citrine, olive, russet, and black.

Prince Scale (Yetzirah): Citrine, olive, russet, and black, flecked with gold.

Princess Scale (Assiah): Black, rayed with yellow.

Ritual for Evocation of Sandalphon

   Perform Opening by Watchtower

   Unwrap sigil and take in left hand. Pick up Magic Wand with right hand. Move clockwise to chair.


   Slowly open eyes and gaze at sigil. While doing this, mentally echo name SANDALPHON throughout Universe. Continue for about three�five minutes.

   Conjuration: Then, look up into mirror and begin to scry. Recite conjuration: I evoke and conjure thee, O Spirit Sandalphon, by the power and authority of the Almighty God, who is known by the names of YHVH, ADONAI, EHEIEH, and AGLA, to appear before me within this mirror in a fair and comely shape.

   Establish Identity: Continue scrying. When Sandalphon appears in her glory, first make sure it is her. Ask her, What is your name? If she answers correctly, ask for her to sign her name within the mirror. If it is not her, ask the entity why it is here, and then banish it to its sphere with the blessings of YHShVH YHVShH. If you repeat once more and it still doesn�t work, move on to the dismissal and try again later.

   Greeting: Once you are convinced that it is Sandalphon, say to her, In peace I welcome you, Spirit Sandalphon, and in the name of the Most High I command you to remain within this mirror until you are dismissed, to speak honestly, and to truthfully answer all questions put before you.

   Explanation: Talk to Sandalphon, going over the following: (a) �Sandalphon, I request that you explain clearly and coherently to me the general purpose of my life and Path. What am I here to do, and what is the overarching goal of this incarnation and life, specifically relating to how this will benefit the Great Work?� (b) �In particular, I request that you give me advice on what my next steps should be to most efficiently and honorably work toward accomplishing that goal in my lifetime. Should I join a Golden Dawn order, or perhaps do something else?� (c) �What other pressing advice for my Path do you have to tell me?�

   Command: Now give Sandalphon the following command: I command and constrain you, O Spirit Sandalphon, by the power of YHVH, the true unpronounceable name of God, to give me true and honest counsel regarding my life purpose and Path.

   Conversation: Go ahead and talk with Sandalphon, listening earnestly to her words and wisdom. Depending on how it goes, you might want to ask her if there is a quick way to call her again in the future.

   Dismissal: Thank Sandalphon, then say to her, Go in peace and return to your sphere of origin, O Spirit Sandalphon. By the authority of the True God, I command you to harm none as you depart, and to be ready to come quickly if called again.

   When Sandalphon disappears, immediately pick up your magic book and write down any important information, including rituals and words of power, that she may have given.

   Stand up, walk clockwise to the west of the altar, and wrap up the sigil in black silk and re-place the wand.

   Perform Closing by Watchtower.

   Ground first, then afterward record the full results of the evocation. (Make sure to return to normal consciousness first.)

   Burn sigil.



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